This week's show is brought to you by the Invasion Boogie
happening December 26-January 3 at Skydive Sebastian in sunny
We're back... again!
Dave has been busy with Nationals in Texas, airplane
maintenance in Arkansas, the Keys Boogie, and flying the
Meredith and Sunshine sneak into the SDR home studio and leave
a voice message of their shenanigans.
Stump shovels snow and shovels more snow.
Chicago invades! Bring in the New Year with Dave and Karry at
the Invasion Boogie: escape the cold, hop out of both Super Otters
from SDC, make beach, night, and high altitude jumps, be organized
by world class skydivers, and party 'til the sun comes up! Visit for more information.
Pic of the Week is Jay Kedley, Jason Smith, and Jim Rasmussen
honoring Wisconsin's finest on a sunset jump over Seven Hills
Skydivers in Marshall, WI. Beer, brats, and cheese, baby! Photo by
Russ Hass.
Listener e-mail.
Safety First with Brian Germain - Exit Order.
Dogs at the DZ - where do you stand?
E-mail from Mike Steers with a shout-out to Skydive Hinton in
the Midlands, UK.
Please consider a donation to help stop power lines from being
erected at Skydive Chicago. More information can be found at
About the Podcast
Skydive Radio is the world’s leading podcast dedicated to the sport of skydiving. Episodes include commentary on the sport, feature interviews with industry insiders, and listener-contributed content from an audience that spans the globe.